Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The start

After attending a clinic about the horse training program I am following I am still full of wonder at all the things I picked up from watching my new friends review and refine the training we all have been studying and working on.  I now understand, more than ever before, what will be required of me  to commit to my horse and the training I need to do for her and I to have a real partnership with each other. It scares me, I don't know if I can do it or even want to. I must commit to it or sell. The way the market is right now I would  not get much out of my investment in them. It breaks my heart just to think of it. I know i can do it, I know it will bring great things to me, I know I must do it. So today I begin, a baby step. I will catch and halter each horse and do the basic handling I was told to do.  My 1st goal is to handle each horse every day, and review the training material I have. I am going out to do that right now. It is 3:13 pm Wed,08/17/11.
So it is now 5pm and down to 98degrees, (it was 101 when I went out, no excuses!) I had 2 things in mind from the clinic,"set yourself up for success" and "establish respect and control as soon as your halter your horse".  I was interested to see if that made a difference, a significant one, and yes indeed it sure did! I had a happy time doing exercises and ground work, that did address a couple of issues that came up. I think they call it by it's letters for a reason ,DUH, because duh, if I do what it tells me it works great! She got a nice rinse off and was good for ear treatment. All in all a successful training lesson for both of us. The colt was crying and pawing, I just got too hot to even try to work him back to back with his mother. Maybe later when I go out to feed I can at least treat his ears and fly wipe him some.